A True Success Story for the Taxpayers of East Hempfield Township

My record of public service is marked by proven fiscal conservatism. Growing up, I learned sound principles at home: work hard, avoid debt as much as possible, live within your means, pay your bills, be generous, and save.  As an East Hempfield Township Supervisor, I use these very same principles when I am handling the taxpayer money entrusted to my care.  

Several years ago there was a vote for a tax increase and I voted ‘no’.  As chairman of the East Hempfield Township Board of Supervisors, I lead the team in managing a $14 million annual budget.  I’m incredibly proud of a record of fiscal management that has kept our township out of the “red” and placed us firmly in the “black.”  

From 2011 through 2013, despite the calls from some to raise taxes due to a projected multi-million dollar deficit, as chairman of the board, I led the effort to turn this multi-million dollar projected deficit into a $1.6 million surplus without cutting services and without raising taxes

Big government always demands more and more tax dollars for more and more spending.  My record shows that there can be solutions that keep services intact, without the never-ending return to the taxpayer for more.  I’d like to put this know-how and record to work for you in Harrisburg.